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Professor Sally Tomlinson PhD FRSA

| Books | Chapters in Books | Articles & Blogs | Papers to Conferences | Research Reports | Television & Talks |


Her selected works were published  by Routledge in 2014 in the World Library of Educationalists Series The Politics of Race, Class and Special Education.
In 2017, Routledge published her Sociology of Special and Inclusive Education: Exploring the manufacture of inability.
In April 2018, a symposium on her work was held at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference in New York.

Her most recent books are one with Danny Dorling, Rule Britannia: Brexit and the End of Empire (Biteback 2020) and Ignorance:The Five Giants (Agenda Publications 2022)

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Sally Tomlinson started her career as a social worker and infant school teacher and has worked in higher education for over thirty-five years.

She has taught, researched and written for all of her career in the areas of race, ethnicity and education, educational policy and special and inclusive education and was a member of the Commission on the Future of Multi-ethnic Britain which reported in 2000.

She has held Professorial Chairs at the University of Lancaster, England;  University of Wales, Swansea; and as Goldsmiths Professor of Education Policy and Management at Goldsmiths, University of London, where she also served as a Pro-Warden (Vice_Principal).

She is an Emeritus Professor at Goldsmiths, and an Honorary Fellow in the Department of Education, University of Oxford, and is also an Associate in the Department of Sociology University of Warwick

She has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Wolverhampton, a member of Bradford University Court, Chair of the Advisory Centre for Education, a  member of the Governing Council of the University of Gloucestershire and a member of the Governing Council of the South Worcestershire Further Education College.


She was a Trustee of the Africa Education Trust
for twenty years 1992-2012.

She was the first woman Chair of the Trustees. 2005-2008.

Her work for the Trust took her to Somalia, Somaliland
and Kenya  a number of time.

Shown here with a group of master trainees attending
an AET Literacy Project workshop in Somaliland.


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An acknowledgement from  The Global Convergence of Vocational and Special Education (Routledge 2017):

"Our special appreciation goes to Sally Tomlinson to whom this book is dedicated. We want to acknowledge Sally as  pioneer in the sociology of special education and a persistent leader as the field gains more attention in more disciplines. In addition to her immense knowledge of special education, of the complexities of race, class, immigration, educational inequalities and other disciplinary cognates, Sally is among the elite of colleagues who are real friends and who care about the work of others and how it is the state of collective efforts that is the true measure of educational advance.

(John G. Richardson, Jinting Wu, Douglas M. Judge)

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